So I've been a busy bee the last few days. Again.
If I'm not high on the fumes from the spray paint, I'm high on fumes from.. well.. Paint.
And with Easter coming up, I have a few days of, so I had some extra time on my hands.
And what better to do with extra time (part from gaming and watching Merlin, which I have done plenty as well) than to be creative?!
I had this old thing that I bought cheap in IKEA years back. I have always intended to paint it, but never got around to do it. But then again, fumes..
On top is my collection of old photos, which is ever growing. As you can see, it's crowded.
Painting in progress!
End result! I placed some of the photos on the wall instead, so it wouldn't be so crowded.
I have baby pictures of my mom, me, me and my sister, old wedding photos of grandma and grandpa, and of my mom..
It's blue on the inside, yay!
As you can see, I'm still missing some.. doorknobs.
But I'm going to Denmark over Easter, so I'm going to look for new ones, and I'll add a picture later.
This was the mess that was IN the drawer before I painted it. All my creative stuff!
My room is not that big, so it was hard standing between all that stuff, trying to get a decent picture of the drawer.
I also hung up some decorations over my bed. Haha, I know, kind of tacky!
And those homemade plushies in the right are gift from friends!
White bunny and black whale from Hilde, Ghast from Merethe and a kitty from Linn <3
As I said, Denmark this Easter. It's going to be me, my mom, my sister my niece and nephew, and what is Easter without candy! So I made these glasses filled with nuts and candy for them.
I got these beautiful crystal-inspired glasses from my mom. They are great for serving Chai Latte (or coffee, for those who drink that) in, but they are a little hot to hold, so I crocheted some practical decorations to put on them so as not to burn your fingers.
I also made some homemade stamps, just because I can.
I have more projects coming up, and still more creative fuel to burn, so keep a weather eye on the blog!
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