lørdag 15. februar 2014

Project in the making

I took up working on an old crochetting project that I've been working with on and of for maybe 3 years. Mostly because I packed it away and forgot about it!

Now, I am making the last pieces of it, and finally! After all these years, maybe I will complete it!

mandag 10. februar 2014

Nerd Couture

For Christmas for my best friend, who also happens to be somewhat of a nerd (as am I..)
So I decided to decorate one myself! Because is looked like fun, and getting a blue XBOX-controller proved harder than expected..

The left joystick had started to loose it's rubber coating, so I took it all of and made a new button out of air-drying clay. Then I coated it with epoxy glue (which turns into "hard plastic" when it dries) to protect it from breaing and also from the fat and oil on our fingers. 

And if anybody is wondering whan an XBOX-controller looks like in pieces, here you go!
Lots of small parts and buttons. Putting it back together is like a jigsaw. But aso very fun.

Vanilla Lavender Hand Soap

Sunday the 9th of February was Mothers Day here in Norway.
I was away for the weekend, and would be home in the evening that sunday, so I figured flowers would probably not be the easiest thing. But, alas! My mother likes homemade stuff, so I decided to make her something of my own!

Making soap is not hard! All you need is some ingredients and a little time.

Here is what I used:
-Transparent soap base from Panduro
-Vanilla soap scent
-Vanilla stick, chopped
-Dried lavender

Melt the soap base in a water bath, and add the other ingredients.
Pour into your desired shape and let it dry.

I packed them in plastic foil and then i ripped out some pages in an old book i got in a second hand store, and wrapped the soapes in that.

A piece of nature

I made these wood candleholders from a tree me and my mom took down outside her house. It blocked the sun out, so we figured why not use it for something good instead!
It was a painful and time-consuming job to get the tree down and into small pieces, as all I had by hand was an old, and very rusty saw. It was horrible.
But I got it down!

And the results are nice! 

Rhino plushie

I made a Rhino plushie inspired by this blogger, as a gift for my 3 year old niece for Christmas.
I made some changes to it, as it was going to be a plushie for a 3-year old, I felt like lentils as stuffing would be unpractical. And also all the shops I had the chance to get to, were completely sold out of pink felt.
Who would have thought!

It is really easy to make, I made it in a few hours while watching Person of Interest on my computer, and I think it turned out kinda cute.

If you click the link posted earlier, it will give you the complete DIY so you can make one too!