søndag 24. mars 2013

We're painting the roses red

So I've been a busy bee the last few days. Again.
If I'm not high on the fumes from the spray paint, I'm high on fumes from.. well.. Paint. 
And with Easter coming up, I have a few days of, so I had some extra time on my hands. 
And what better to do with extra time (part from gaming and watching Merlin, which I have done plenty as well) than to be creative?! 

I had this old thing that I bought cheap in IKEA years back. I have always intended to paint it, but never got around to do it. But then again, fumes..
On top is my collection of old photos, which is ever growing. As you can see, it's crowded.

Painting in progress!

End result! I placed some of the photos on the wall instead, so it wouldn't be so crowded. 
I have baby pictures of my mom, me, me and my sister, old wedding photos of grandma and grandpa, and of my mom.. 

It's blue on the inside, yay!

As you can see, I'm still missing some.. doorknobs.
But I'm going to Denmark over Easter, so I'm going to look for new ones, and I'll add a picture later.

This was the mess that was IN the drawer before I painted it. All my creative stuff!
My room is not that big, so it was hard standing between all that stuff, trying to get a decent picture of the drawer.

I also hung up some decorations over my bed. Haha, I know, kind of tacky!
And those homemade plushies in the right are gift from friends!
White bunny and black whale from Hilde, Ghast from Merethe and a kitty from Linn <3

As I said, Denmark this Easter. It's going to be me, my mom, my sister my niece and nephew, and what is Easter without candy! So I made these glasses filled with nuts and candy for them.

I got these beautiful crystal-inspired glasses from my mom. They are great for serving Chai Latte (or coffee, for those who drink that) in, but they are a little hot to hold, so I crocheted some practical decorations to put on them so as not to burn your fingers. 

I also made some homemade stamps, just because I can. 

I have more projects coming up, and still more creative fuel to burn, so keep a weather eye on the blog!

søndag 10. mars 2013

I got a jar of bracelets!

Still high on fumes from spray painting so much stuff, though the effect is slowly wearing of.
Or it's just because I'm running out of stuff to spray.
In other news, me and my mom were helping my aunt clean out her basement, and I naturally found some old stuff I wanted to keep!

Two old boxes, one of which has contained pigs feet some 40 years ago, an old lamp,
an old ceramic bowl, some shiny little purse glass jars and an old 
first aid-kit that my grandfather used to have in his car.  
As you may see, it's not in the best condition, but I fixed it up and put it in my car. 

My mom wanted something to keep her bracelets in, since I had made one for myself already.
So we found this old thing in the garage, and I spray painted it first silver and then in an oldish pink color.
Turned out quite nice, if I dare say so myself. 

This has been my time-consumer the past day. I suddenly felt an urge to
crochet after seeing a picture on the internet, and so it became a cover for moms kitchen stool.
I liked it very much and now I will have to make one for myself and get me a stool too!

I needed something newer and prettier to keep my main controllers in, as the old one was white and boring.
So this was what I ended up with! Simple, yet not that bad looking. 
AND it fits nicely to my golden Zelda Wii-mote!

Stay tuned for more stuff.

onsdag 6. mars 2013

How to deal with creators itch

I've had a creators itch for the last week, and I've become addicted to spray paint. Must be the fumes!
But I'm telling you, spray paint is simply BRILLIANT! It's so easy to make things beautiful with just a coat of paint.
So here is a little collection of stuff that I have been making for the last week.
In the future I will be better at making before and after photos of stuff, and also to take pictures during the process.

Cheap plastic frames from IKEA, originally white. 

One is spray painted in a delicious pink, with the text "Easy, it will be all right".
 The other in a metallic blue, with the text "You are so great!"

Here I decided to freshen up my tiny bathroom. I got a very simple, very dull glass bowl from my mom.
I spray painted it first gold on the outside, and then I covered it in an oldish pink color. 
The bottle I also got from my mom, and I spun it in some beautiful pink yarn and put a very fake but very cute flower in it.

An old bowl spray painted in silver to keep my earrings in.
The other I combined an old candle holder and a glass bowl, sprayed it first in white primer and then blue. 
The picture does the blue color no justice! It's actually much lighter.

An old bowl of white glass, glued together with an old candle holder because we needed something to keep our keys in. Yes, a simple reason to make something!

Some of my works. Not half bad!

I found an old frame, so I pained it and covered the backside with chicken wire.
It now works as a picture board!

Stay tuned for more fun!


tirsdag 5. mars 2013

One mans trash is an other mans treasure

I love old, ugly and broken things. One thing doesn't necessarily have to be all of those three things at once, bu there is something about certain things that just appeal to me!
Naturally, I like spending time in second hand-shops, and sometimes I am surprised as to the things people throw out!

I mean, just look at this beautiful deer I found for only 5$, and it's in perfect condition!

I also found a lamp, which was also very pretty! I got kicked in the knee by nostalgia when I first saw it. My grandmother used to have lamps like these, sadly I never got my hands on one of them

Though, I am no big fan of stone, and so the lamp had to be modified!
I spraypainted it white and kept the top the same. A light pink color. It's very romantic when the light is on.
I also spun one wine bottle and one lempnade bottle in yarn to keep the lamp company.




I created this blog with hopes of it helping me getting my motivation for creating things again. I somewhat hit a dry spell. Not in ideas but in the time and motivation that it takes to actually make them.

But, alas!
I suddenly had Motivation himself come up to me, kick me in the stomach and tell me that I best get of my high horse and start making stuff again, or he would divorce me forever! As I have no intention of loosing him, I figured I'd just had to comply to his demands, and the last few days, I have been making stuff like a mad woman!

I will try my best to keep Mr. Motivation here and I will also try to get a better use for my camera, which has mostly been collecting dust over the last year. Also my sowing machine. Which is a total waste!

So, keep a weather eye on this blog, and I will update with posts and pictures!
