søndag 10. mars 2013

I got a jar of bracelets!

Still high on fumes from spray painting so much stuff, though the effect is slowly wearing of.
Or it's just because I'm running out of stuff to spray.
In other news, me and my mom were helping my aunt clean out her basement, and I naturally found some old stuff I wanted to keep!

Two old boxes, one of which has contained pigs feet some 40 years ago, an old lamp,
an old ceramic bowl, some shiny little purse glass jars and an old 
first aid-kit that my grandfather used to have in his car.  
As you may see, it's not in the best condition, but I fixed it up and put it in my car. 

My mom wanted something to keep her bracelets in, since I had made one for myself already.
So we found this old thing in the garage, and I spray painted it first silver and then in an oldish pink color.
Turned out quite nice, if I dare say so myself. 

This has been my time-consumer the past day. I suddenly felt an urge to
crochet after seeing a picture on the internet, and so it became a cover for moms kitchen stool.
I liked it very much and now I will have to make one for myself and get me a stool too!

I needed something newer and prettier to keep my main controllers in, as the old one was white and boring.
So this was what I ended up with! Simple, yet not that bad looking. 
AND it fits nicely to my golden Zelda Wii-mote!

Stay tuned for more stuff.

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